A soft search can be a helpful step for both lenders and customers in the world of car finance, but what exactly is a soft search? In this guide, we’ll help you understand the meaning of a soft search, why it is done, what kinds of things appear in a soft search, and what it means for you.

Soft Search Meaning

Also known as a soft credit check, a soft search is a preliminary step lenders typically take when assessing your eligibility for car finance. The main difference between a soft search and a hard credit check is that a soft credit check doesn’t leave a footprint on your credit report. This means that it doesn’t negatively impact your credit score which could be crucial for securing loans and other financial products.

Why Do Lenders Use Soft Searches in Car Finance?

Soft searches allow lenders to get a quick glimpse into your finances to determine if you might be a suitable candidate for their car finance options. This helps them:

  • Pre-qualify you: Based on the information found in the soft search, lenders can provide you with an initial estimate of the interest rate and potential car finance deals you might qualify for.
  • Save you time: Soft search helps narrow down eligible candidates, and lenders can avoid unnecessary hard credit checks, saving you time and protecting your credit score.
  • Streamline the application process: Soft searches help create a more efficient application process by identifying potential borrowers who meet basic criteria.

What Information Does a Soft Search Reveal?

A soft search typically retrieves limited information from public records or credit reference agencies This might include:

  • Your basic information: Including your name, address, and date of birth.
  • Electoral roll registration: Being registered to vote at your current address can indicate stability.
  • Public financial records: In some cases, a soft search might reveal publicly available information about County Court Judgements (CCJs) or Individual Voluntary Agreements (IVAs).

Please note that the specific information retrieved through a soft search can vary depending on the lender and credit reference agency involved.

What Does a Soft Search Mean for You as a Customer?

A soft search has several benefits for you as a customer. They help by:

  • Preserving your credit report: Since soft searches don’t impact your credit score, you can explore car finance options from different lenders without worrying about damaging your creditworthiness.
  • Providing an initial quote: Soft searches can give you an idea of potential interest rates and car finance deals you might qualify for, allowing you to make informed comparisons before committing to an application.
  • Making the application process faster: By leveraging soft searches for pre-qualification, lenders can streamline the application process, potentially allowing you to receive initial car finance quotes quickly.

Soft Search vs Hard Credit Checks

Still confused about the difference between a soft search and a hard credit check? Let’s look at the main differences side by side:

Feature Soft Search Hard Credit Check
Impact on Credit Score No impact As it is visible it will be considered by other lenders and may affect your score
Purpose Pre-qualify for car finance, estimate interest rates Verify your creditworthiness before a loan is signed off
Information Accessed Substantial information but may not show everything Full detailed credit history (loans, credit cards, payment history)
Frequency Can happen multiple times without consequence Should be limited to minimise the impact on credit score
Initiated By Lender and sometimes broker Lender
Transparency Should not be visible on your credit report Shows up on your credit report

Get Started with Ucan

We hope this guide has been helpful and you understand what a soft search is. If you’re ready to start looking for your new car, take a look at our showroom to see our range of vehicles. You can also get a quick quote online, the process is simple and takes just 30 seconds to receive a quote!